Did you know that you can create custom slide shows in PowerPoint? Let’s say you have a PowerPoint document that you would like to use for two different presentations, but you have a few different slides that you would like to show for each presentation. You can easily create several custom slide shows from the same document. Let’s check it out.

If you would like to follow along, you may download today’s exercise here:
This is a PowerPoint document about Wichita State University. The data is all fictional, of course!
The idea is that you would like to create two possible presentations from this one document: one presentation for parents and one for students.
Set Up Custom Slide Shows
1. Go to the Slide Show tab in the ribbon.
2. In the Start Slide Show group, select the dropdown for Custom Slide Show and select Custom Shows.

3. In the popup that appears, press New.

4. Give the slide show a name in the box provided. Perhaps our first one will be the student presentation, so we can title it Student Show.
5. Select the slides you would like to appear in the slide show: perhaps everything except Finances and Statistics.
6. Press the Add button, and make sure the slides appear on the right pane. Notice you have the ability to rearrange the slide order with the arrows on the right.
7. Press OK.

8. Repeat the steps above, but this time create a Parent Show, consisting of all the slides except Recreation.

9. Now when you visit the Custom Slide Show dropdown, Custom Shows, you can see both the shows you created.

Access Custom Slide Shows
Are you ready to show one of your presentations? Revisit the Custom Slide Show dropdown, and select either the Student Show or the Parent Show to start one of these presentations.

What do you think? How will you use Custom Slide Shows?
Congratulations, Power Users!
Congratulations to our newest Power Users! For the full gallery, and more information about the WSU Microsoft Office Power User Program, please visit: wichita.edu/poweruser
Carody Bryan

Linda Steinacher

Great information as usual. Thanks Ali.
Thank you, Corey! 🙂